The program 'Tough Love Couples' is just about the greatest TV show ever. What you have are a group of good looking people being yelled at by another good looking guy, who is possibly, the worst couples therapist in the world (oh and his mother is there too to help these poor couples)
The entitled leading the entitled. More train wrecks per hour than you will ever see. Every single character is self centered without a single redeeming quality. It's one of those shows that should never be shot into space lest the alien choose them as representative of our race.
For all the histrionics these hard bodies put out you would think they were auditioning for something. Oh, right, they are - porn (because that is as far as these losers will get)
I hate that I love this so much. It re-enforces my pitiful single status. I would just about murder any of those women if I had to complete a single task with them. The men do provoke negative responses/behaviours in the women but that is only after the girl has gone all crazy unreasonable over some little thing. That is what you get pretty girls when you choose a man that is good looking and that is the ONLY criteria you base dating on.
How do people in relationships do it everyday?