"The world is not enough...but it is such a perfect place to start...my love."- Garbage
"I've see things you people wouldn't believe...Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion...I've watched sea beams glitter in the darkness at Tenhouser Gate...all those moments will be lost now....in time...like tears...in rain....time to die" - Blade Runner
"Fruit don't talk...fruit just LISTENS..and WAITS!" - Squidbillies
"Rusty desperately wanted to be a man...but he had too much bitch in him...and deep inside his vagina he knew that...and so at the last second he averted his rifle...and shot his granny" - Squidbillies
"remember remember
the fifth of November
the gunpowder treason and plot
I see no reason
the gunpowder treason
should ever be forgot" - V for Vendetta
"Behind this mask there is more than flesh....behind
this mask there is an idea Mr McCreedy...and ideas...are BULLETPROOF." - V for Vendetta
"I remember your Gom Jabar...now you'll remember mine...I can kill with a word!" "And his word shall carry death eternal for those who stand against the righteous." -Dune
"KLF is gonna rock ya, cuz you have ta
Move to the flow of the beat we blast ya
Bass ballistics, I'm gonna kick this hard
And you can catch it
Down with the cool crew, talking about Mu Mu
Justified ancient liberation zulu
Got to teach and everything you learn'll
Point to the fact that time is eternal" - KLF (3 am eternal)
"Lo do I see my fathers
Lo do I see my mothers and my sisters and my brothers
Lo do I see the line of my people...back to the beginning
Lo they do call to me
They bid me take my place among them
In the halls of Valhalla
Where the brave may live forever." - 13th Warrior
"Why Johnny Ringo...you look like somebody's walked over your grave."
"You tell em the laws commin'...you tell em I'M commin' and hells commin' with me! You hear? HELLS COMMIN' WITH ME!!!!" - Tombstone
"The President is missing." "The President of what?" - Snake Pliskan
"You may have survived Cleavland. You may have escaped from New York. But this is L.A. vatto, and you are going to find, that this fucking city, can kill ANYBODY!! -Escape From LA.