In an attempt to further highlight my influence on the interwebs I invite you to visit T.S' site The Non-Review.
It's a spunky mix of opinion and non-reviews of real events. It's such a totally unique approach for a blog. I can't even explain it to you because my words would not do it justice. Just trust me.
Once you get sucked into the vortex of insanity you will do everything to improve your own game lest ye be judged LESS funny than T.S. is. I hate/love what he does all at the same time and that is worthy of recognition here in the Cave of Cool.
I recently submitted my Non-Selena answers to a Non-interview for his blog. You will get the point once you go there and read it.
Plus this gives me the opportunity to post some Selena pics I happen to have just lyin' around.