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Lambs and Puppies

I could watch sheep shearing all day long. There is just something hypnotic about it for me. If they had a sheep shearing channel I would watch nothing else. When they get the wool off in one peice its like watching those crab fishing shows when the pots come up full of crab. It's thrilling everytime.

Every summer they have the 'Westerner' fair here in my home town. Dirty carnies and rickety rides complete with rip-off prize booths and e-coli laced treats. Gotta love it. I go to see the agricultural displays like the previously mentioned sheep shearing and to see the baby animals.

YES, okay, Cal likes the baby animals. When I lived in Yellowknife my friend Johnny Two-Dogs had two beautiful Huskies. When they had puppies (and his name changed to Johnny Seven-Dogs) he needed people to sit with them non-stop for the first couple of weeks to get them totally acclimated to people.

So he set up a haybail coral in his garage and I was one of the volunteers who got to sleep out in the hay with the puppies crawling all over me - sometimes hand feeding them and sometimes playing 'stack the puppies' I could get four before the puppy jenga tower crumbled. They were great.

I saw this clip today and just had to post it. Baby sheep are the dumbest things around. I love the way they clip clop and jump like they are losing what little mind they actually have.

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