Over at Chaka's World, Brother Chaka was asking who we looked upon as heroes when we were children. I knew my answer before finishing to read his post - after my Dad it began and ended with Captain Kirk. This was what I wrote in his comment section:
"I always hoped that William Shatner would have died after Star Trek went off the air. Then he would have been frozen in our memories as the James Dean of Science Fiction. There were many embarrassing lean years between Star Trek, his classic SNL skit ("Have any of you ever kissed a girl?") and his great, great turn as Denny Crane on 'Boston Legal'. I have his RECORDS so I know from what I speak. Today he has a fantastic self depreciating sense of his own fame and can joke WITH us now about all the things that make him cool. Who would have ever thunk it? But as a kid...Captain Kirk was the bomb baby. In the "Gamesters of Triskelion" when he tore off that restraining collar with contempt at the end of that episode, I yelled "FUCK YEH KIRK" at the TV screen and got grounded for a week. I didn't care because my mother just didn't understand how cool a moment that was to me and I felt sorry for her because of that."