I am not usually a Jeremy Piven fan. I find him to be smarmy so maybe this is a perfect movie for him. He is really playing to type. Who would have ever thought that he would ever be in a comedy with Ving Rhames. I think I have got the bends from combining this and 'The Tournament' as the last two films I saw Ving in.
Piven plays a guy who comes into failing car dealerships to get them back in business by organizing a long weekend blitz to sell as many cars as possible. He has a team of three others who, like him, can talk an Eskimo into buying snow. Many familiar faces from the 'Office' and the 'Daily Show' appear (plus one very cool cameo) and the comedy comes at you fast. Everyone plays it slightly over the top which is perfect for this kind of film. Not politically correct at all and not for the kids but that crudeness is what I was looking for in a comedy.
There are many laugh out loud moments and quotable lines. So put aside your hatred of Piven and take a chance at some giggles. Plus "Fox on the Run' by Sweet on any soundtrack sells it for me. Big Daddy is old school that way.