Google has previewed its latest invention that will redefine the operating system for your PCs. Introducing Google Chrome OS after months of hypes and previews. This operating system caters a different purpose and soul than the rival Windows 7, not similar in one bit.

Google Chrome OS runs entirely on a OS version based on Linux and the Chrome browser. It looks stylish and it is not previewed in a beta version or what so ever. However, the revelation may not bring smiles in many eager fans. Google Chrome OS is web-based and runs in the Chrome browser - from its USB drive content to the Google Docs document.

The upper-left corner has an applications menu with links to a variety of Web applications. Those applications can be permanently lodged as narrow tabs between that menu and ordinary browser tabs.


One in Google side even went as far to say, "If you're a lawyer, editing contracts back and forth, this will not be the right machine for you." Simply it means that this OS will only be cool for those who primarily use the Web. The down side is been it needs you to hook up to the line so that the entire applications in it can be run.

However, the experience of using these applications when you are wired is truly similar like when you are surfing the web on Google Chrome. Web apps can be launched from its apps panel and hooks you up to Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, Google Wave and Youtube in an instant. Background apps like Google Talk is kept minimal to the docking panel.


Local storage is used as a reservoir to speed the system up when accessing these apps. Google is very keen to have Flash incorporated, thus the Adobe Flash will enhance the browsing experience on Google Chrome OS.

The problem is still this - do not expect Google Chrome to be functioning on every CPUs. For the moment, it won't work with your standard hard drives, just (Solid-State drives) SSDs. Google is trying to work the wire on for x86 and ARM CPUs. Companies developing hardware for the operating system include Hewlett-Packard, Acer, Adobe, Asus, Lenovo, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, Freescale and Intel. Therefore, Google Chrome OS works ideally with lower end PCs called Netbook.

Until today, Google Chrome OS is still an open source OS designed to work exclusively with web applications. If you are interested to get one, you have to wait till the second half of the year 2010 before a stable version will be available.

Pictures and captions below (including the one combo above), credited to http://news.cnet.com/2300-30685_3-10001912-1.html?tag=mncol

Chrome OS, like Chrome, devotes almost all its real estate to the contents of the browser window. That leaves maximum room for Web applications such as Google's search site.

Chrome OS communicates with a variety of panels. This shows a number of instant-messenger communication threads, the left one minimized. Google also showed a notepad panel.

Chrome OS doesn't store data permanently on its local machine, but instead relies on central servers--in this case Google's Gmail system--to store data. That means address books are accessible from any Chrome OS machine, from any Web browser, and from higher-end mobile phones.

Solid-State Drives (SSD) = data storage devices that use solid-state ( circuits or devices built entirely from solid materials and in which the electrons, or other charge carriers, are confined entirely within the solid material) memory.
x86 = processor that derived from architectures of the Intel 8086, for example Intel Core 2, Intel Atom and AMD Phenom.
ARM CPUs = Processors developed by ARM Limited that runs on 32-bit reduced instruction set computer (RISC), used in support of Unix-like OS; Linux, iPhone OS and Solaris.

1. http://blogs.computerworld.com/15134/googles_chrome_os_will_make_a_good_second_computer
2. http://www.engadget.com/2009/11/19/googles-chrome-os-revealed/
3. http://news.cnet.com/2300-30685_3-10001912-1.html?tag=mncol

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