In his website, after much speculation, he said, "I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man." He went on to say, "I am very blessed to be who I am." There are many rumors ever since he started his great music career and his decision few years back to adopt two twin sons do however sparkles the issue. Now that he admits he is, leave him alone from all these taboos and unsatisfactory, or any bad perception towards the pop star. He deserves his life after all.
To keep living as I did up until today would be to indirectly diminish the glow that my kids where [sic] born with. Enough is enough. This has to change. This was not supposed to happen 5 or 10 years ago, it is supposed to happen now. Today is my day, this is my time, and this is my moment
Ricky Martin.
People who knew Ricky Martin as a whole would have never failed to notice the on-off romantic relationship with Mexican TV host Rebecca de Alba. That lasted for 14 years, filled with period of talks of starting a family together and at a point Martin planned on proposing. It seems that those changes after the release of his third English album Life back in 2005. Martin went on to adopt his sons in August 2008. It was a difficult life for him but we love his music, his work to serve the humanity and his achievements. We simply loves him.

Also recently admitting he is a gay is none other than Sean Hayes, popular for his role as Jack McFarland in NBC's sitcom Will & Grace. He has been long refused to discuss about his sexuality until an interview with The Advocate this month and said, " feel like I’ve contributed monumentally to the success of the gay movement in America, and if anyone wants to argue that, I’m open to it. You’re welcome, Advocate."

Hollywood's land of gay and lesbian - is nothing new. Perhaps, it takes time for them to reveal their true sexuality but it is also a choice they have to commit. Like Ricky Martin's case, no one should blame who and instead life goes on. We should see things like what the Western see. While we may not agree that the sexual orientation as such is deemed normal for us, it is still a choice for them to pursuit. Gay or not, lesbian or not - these artistes have entertained us for years. I am neither supporting nor going against gay and lesbian, it is what they see are more important than what we see.