Many of you have been asking me why woman in the Victorian Age wore such large bell shaped dresses. I have been reluctant to answer not wanting to alarm the general public but upon finding this image I knew I had to post the truth. Up until 1901 all women in Great Britain and parts of India were a cross combination of woman and octopus. The dresses were sucessful in hiding this deformity. They would have been wiped out long ago but unfortunately many of these women who did marry did so after meeting men who had a fetish for and thus no problem with this affliction. These 'Octofems' were unable to pass this trait to their offspring so eventually the mutation was eliminated from the gene pool except for members of the royal families of Europe whose inbreeding kept producing tentacled girls for several more generations. The changing fickle nature of fashion finished the job for us because these women were unable to hide their tentacles while wearing modern pantsuits. All were hunted with pitchforks and torches until finally they were forced into extinction. Now aren't you glad you know the truth?