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CCC of C Silver Bullet Award II

I heard this weekend that Sarah Palin flaked on attending a high profile fundraiser for Republican donors at the Reagan Library. That is not news. Most everything she does only reinforces my belief that she is a useless twit. However, just now, I was checking my stats at 'Sitemeter' and notice that someone from WASILLA Alaska had viewed my page. Sarah Dipstick was once mayor of Wasilla (the meth capital of Alaska) so could it be that she was in her old stomping grounds and got online (or had a five year old do it for her) just to check out Big Daddy's work from the Cave of Coolness? That is like my worst nightmare. Its the reason the Cave has bullshit detectors installed and enforce a strict 'no stupidity' policy. Like Clint Eastwood said in 'Heartbreak Ridge' - "You can beat me. You can kill me. You can stab me. BUT JUST DON'T BORE ME! Sarah...just between us girls...you are boring the shit out of me. Come up with something new you mavericky maverick... only keep it to yourself this time. Oh and you are banned from my site. I would like to help you but you know as well as I that while you can fix ignorance, you just can't fix stupid. So if you haven't guessed it already, you are the SECOND recipient, after Joe Jackson, of my CALVIN'S CANADIAN CAVE OF COOL SILVER BULLET AWARD. Load it into one of your many guns and go out behind the woodshed and do the honorable thing.

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