In Malaysia, 525 tonnes of CO2 are emitted for every 1GwH of power generated in which of all, DiGi emitted about 70,000 tonnes of CO2 in 2007.

Therefore, DiGi will invest RM100 million in its Deep Green program to reduce the CO2 emissions by 17% in the next 6 to 12 months. The program which will span over three years would see DiGi reducing its carbon emissions by half. According to Johan Dennelind, DiGi’s CEO – the information, communication and technology industry are set to surpass the aviation industry as a major contributor of carbon emissions by 2012. Deep Green is the company’s corporate program that extends beyond the community relations.

Now, go to DiGi’s Deep Green site and pledge your vow to save our mother nature. Not only by caring for our environment by reduce energy consumption or recycling our wastage, but we need to do our part for more.
Just see how DiGi does their part on it:

But what about you?

These are screen shots taken from the website - the official DiGi website for Deep Green project. Come and voice out your pledge for our mother nature!