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I Want to Be a Cowboy

Another great thing about this year is the Calgary Stampede which starts today with one of the best parades in the country. When we attended cadet camp at Penhold Air Base (about an hour and a half north of Calgary) we got to join with the cadet band and march in that parade. Three hours plus of marching was tiring but afterwards we got free passes to the Stampede for the rest of the day. Its basically just a fair with rides and games and that wonderfully crappy fair food. We could ride for free and see the exhibits and get into the grandstands for what is the best part of the Calgary Stampede - the rodeo events though personally I liked the sheep shearing the best. I could watch them carve off the wool in one piece with electric shears all day long. I have no idea why it fascinates me so. I have mentioned before how if they had a channel that was ALL sheep shearing ALL the time I would be in my glory. I get that same feeling watching 'The Deadliest Catch' on Discovery. I get so excited when they bring up one of the fishing pots full of crab. My mind just releases endorphins at the sight of that. But I digress. Once a year I become a huge rodeo fan. But I NEVER cheer for the cowboys. I cheer for the bulls and the broncos. I always wish they would show me the bull's stats on how many cowboys they have thrown or stomped. They should sell cards that show the bull or bronco, their names, and their stats. For example, how many cowboys attempted to ride it? How many cowboys succeeded? How many got stomped into the ground or thrown back into the chute fences? All the best ones would become minor celebrities and you could come to the rodeo to see your favourite animal and get your picture with them like you would at a comic convention. I also like the barrel racing because the female riders are always very sexy and talented horsewomen. There is just something about them bouncing in the saddle and riding at top speed around obstacles that appeals to me. Chuck wagon racing is another event where you are always scared that someone is going to crash and that made each race exciting. These are teams of four horses pulling some rickety (well from my seat it looks rickety) chuck wagon around the track like madmen. Its like the chariot race in 'Ben Hur'only without the armour on the drivers or spikes on the wheels. I have seen some pretty bad crashes in my day. There is an Indian village set up with teepees and you can watch the hoop dancers and the other native performances. Their costumes are amazing with their detailed feather and beadwork. Great country music acts that you have actually head of perform throughout the week. I am not the greatest fan of country music but I had a lot of it around me growing up due to my fathers record collection. So for the time I am at the Stampede I enjoy it for what it is and turn myself into a fan. Each night they have a really cool fireworks display and all week the bars are filled with people itching to party. After a night of celebrating you can find many free pancake breakfasts. In fact you could spend the ten days eating free pancakes if you apply yourself. Over all its a great time each year and without it (even if I only go for a day) my summer hasn't officially started.

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