This is one of my favourite times of year. School is over and I get at least eight weeks off to sleep, eat and basically turn over my life to the darkness. That doesn't mean I am killing people and burying them in my garden (for some reason the authorities frown on that - who knew?). I start with all good intentions of sleeping at night and doing things during the day. But slowly I stay up later and later into the night and wake up later and later in the day. Like nocturnal hunters of the animal kingdom I rest during the hottest parts of the day and only come out at night. There is a guy who has worked at our neighborhood 7/11 forever and he is always on the night shift. I often walk down to get a Super Big Gulp and some beef jerky in the wee hours of the morning. I don't do slurpies because I always forget I am drinking one and take too much up the straw and receive the most painful of ice cream headaches. Can't chew gum either unless I really really concentrate on the task. I ALWAYS bite the inside of my cheek if I am not careful and when that swells I bite it again and again. I KNOW what you are thinking. How is this guy still alive? Not because of the damage I do with slurpies or gum but because I am TSTL sometimes. (which means Too Stupid To Live - a decriptor that gives Lisa Mynx no end of joy) So I go visit the 7/11 and schmooze with the vampire store clerk who I have NEVER seen working a day shift. He doesn't age either. I should really be checking if he casts a reflection in the glass doors of the cold case now that I think about it. So by the end of July I am totally a night owl. I have the worst time re-adjusting to the days when school starts up in the fall. I run on adrenaline and Pepsi for the first couple of weeks before everything returns to normal. I really should stop this practice but after all these years its the way I roll.