Thanks to Ben over at 'A Dragon Dancing With The Buddha' for showing this. I was a bit choked to be a mermaid but now that I think about it the ability to breath underwater and swim fast will be THE skills I will need as I lead my strike force on our mission to destry Octopus City. Take the test yourself here - http://www.testriffic.com/result/showtest.php
"You are the frisky mermaid! You are (to put it simply) a perv and/or a hopeless romantic. If someone cute walks by you can't help but have alone-in-the-dark thoughts about him/her. Either you've had so many boy/girlfriends that it's not even funny anymore or your extremely picky about those sort of things and have never even been on a single date. Just like the dragon, the mermaid comes in two radically different personalities: green mermaids or blue mermaids. If you are a green mermaid type then you are the kind to sit and dream about mr./ms. Right and have the tendency to blush whenever you are approach by someone you think is attractive. You are also a gentle person by nature. If you are a blue mermaid, on the other hand, you are a snatch-it-up-if-ya-like-it and throw it into the bushes, go get em' personality! You dress the way you feel and love to show off your lovely features."