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Ice Bear

Much thanks to follower Nicole for creating not only this wicked cool image of our beloved Ice Bear but for actually developing the 'Ice Bear Movie Review System.' Its so perfect I wonder why I never thought of it first. Ice Bear is the perfect mascot for judgement. Sure her judgement is often harsh and insensitive but that comes from years in the tough arctic tundra struggling for survival. You gotta be tough to make it in this business kid. Any movie or TV show that can pass the rigorous standards of Ice Bear is worthy of its 'one or two paws up' rating. I know I did not invent 'Ice Bear Judges You' but I did popularize it and start the phenomenon because only I had the genius to recognize its potential. The person who created the comic strip where I found the phrase should be happy. I am doing more for Ice Bear than he ever did. There is gonna be SUCH a huge lawsuit isn't there? Well bring it bitch or do you fear the legal judgement of Ice Bear? Wow..I think I just got a merchanizing related chubby from all this. Any similar artworks will be appreciate. Ries, you are a graphic designer...work your voodoo on that concept.


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