It's the month of June. The sun is scorchingly hot, the heat air is burning through my skin and the glowing radiance sun shines everyday. It's an affirmation that the summer has arrived. At least that is for the people living in the customary four seasons climate. Here, it's all about been sunny and rain; sometimes cloudy though. But no matter where you stay and what climate you are experiencing, everyone knows that a glass of fresh milk is what you need to kick start the morning or else...to knock off before sleep.

Ah, speaking of milk, here's something I just remembered (not really, since I planned on this post for hours ago). June 1 is World Milk Day. What a perfect way to celebrate the day by observing some of the nutritious facts about milk. I love milk and I drank it almost, I repeat, almost every day. I love milk as much as I love green tea. Nevertheless, this year's World Milk Day in Malaysia is so special. Why? Because more than 3,200 Malaysians gathered to break a record in The Malaysia Book of Record - The Largest Milk Drinking Event Ever....

The last Sunday (30 May), more than 3,200 Malaysians gathered at Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur to set a remarkable event. It's a historic because for the earnest time of the year, everyone enjoys their pack of milk - full richness in nutritions and deliciously 'brewed' fresh milk for all.

The event is a testimonial for all - enjoy the milk because it is time for us to spread the goodness of milk to everyone. The picture above shows the newly-designed pack of low fat high calcium milk.

I was the lucky 2,796th participant in the record breaking event.

The majority of them are kids. School kids fully dressed in their decent uniforms - from associations like Girl's Guide, Scouts, Boys Brigade and Red Crescent Society. The Malaysians of all walks of life and religious background came together to take part. A truly joyous event that demonstrates the true value of 1Malaysia.

Records broken and what's next? Go and SPREAD THE GOODNESS OF MILK. In conjunction with today's World Milk Day celebration, let's take some initiatives by introducing and to spread the goodness in every Dutch Lady's products. Here are some facts that I picked up from their main sites at here. I guess sharing the truthful value of each glass of milk is probably the only thing I can offered.

So, DO YOU KNOW THAT 2 glasses of Dutch Lady milk daily are recommended?

1) Milk's protein and Vitamin A, help in maintaining healthy skin, gives you beauty from within!!

2) High levels of calcium help to reduce body weight, mainly fat mass. It also helps in the development of bones and teeth. Milk has the essential nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate and Vitamin B2 to help give you a balanced diet!!

3) Milk contains a combination of essential amino acids that could help you to relax and thereby promote better sleep!!

4) Vitamin B2 is needed for the release of energy from protein, fats and carbohydrate!!

Now you know what's good for you. So what's the waiting? Go and grab some milk because it is good for you. Remember to SPREAD THE GOODNESS OF MILKHappy World Milk Day, people!!

*note: This is not an advertorial post - Dutch Lady didn't paid me for this. This is a purely community message from BernardGT!! Excuse the quality of some pictures as they were captured with my VGA cam-phone!

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