At the end of every school year, when the kids clean out their lockers I always went around with a box to have them give me the markers and pencil crayons and other supplies they were just going to throw out anyways. That way I always had plenty of extra stuff around for the next year. More often than not I would get full packs of coloring pencils and even calculators.
So when I got my meager classroom budget in September, I could get myself a couple packs of these smelly markers. They were the absolute best. I was never a believer in aroma therapy, but there were times that just getting a sniff of the cherry red marker would be enough to give me serenity and get me through the next class.
These weren't like model glue. You couldn't get high off them, they just emitted a strong odour related to the color of the marker. You just had to be careful not to hold them too close to your nose or they would leave a mark and you would be totally busted as a marker sniffer.
I am not weird. Ask anyone who knows. These things were terrific.