I have many followers and many visitors but only a few dedicated individuals who choose to comment on my posts. Anyone who blogs will tell you that the comments are the best thing about the hobby. It means that people were inspired enough by my words to comment, even those who do so just because they may feel they HAVE to because we have became friends. If you have never commented this is not a plea to have you do so in the future. To each his own.
Personally I comment on the comments others people get for posts that are not even my own so I have a sickness and have no right to tell others what to do - comment wise. (Thank you TS for your patience with me)
Sure, I sulk and cry over the bad comments and luckily I get few of those. Of course I don't really post anything controversial or as divisive as abortion or religion - especially after my ONE post about the Bible brought the 'wrath of idiot' down upon me.
However, today I have been on fire with my comments on the comments I have received for the posts I did yesterday. I rarely get any posts on a topic after it has percolated for a few days because I am so prolific that my visitors just move along with me. Zoom Zoom, no loitering here bitches. You snooze, you lose.
I love giving my replies to comments and today's comments were SO good that my replies turned into novel length EVENTS. In fact I just want to save the comments I made (that were inspired by your appreciated comments) and just use them as regular old posts - that is how good I feel that they were.
So it is with unlimited love that I thank all those who regularly comment on my blog. Your opinions on the balloon juice that I produce are the air that I breath. I may be yelling from a hole in the ground on some isolated arctic island but you hear my cries for help and validate my existence.
I would list you all but I don't want to miss anyone. Know that I am creating a list now to personally insure a shout-out (that includes a link to your own great blogs) in the near future hopefully will be praise enough for now.
(Thanks to http://vovat.tumblr.com/ for posting the image I used at top. I had something else at first but when I saw Apu it was too perfect for the post to not use it.)