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» The News That I Am Popular Has Been Greatly Exaggerated
The News That I Am Popular Has Been Greatly Exaggerated
Well it appears that my spike in visitors earlier in the week has added up to a big fat zero. Seems that most of those who visited didn't like what they saw enough to stay around, comment or follow.
I danced for them like a good dancing monkey should. I showed them my soul but they rejected the gesture. If not for those of you who enjoy my humble efforts here at the 'Cave of Cool', I would crash to the Earth - a broken man without purpose.
Instead of more love I have acquired a real live enemy that comments on another site that I visit regularly. Somehow this person finds the time to bash everything I say. No one else in the comment section is attacked. For some reason he/she wants to vent his/her anger at me and only me.
I ask you gentle readers - have you ever known me to attack anyone in my comments section here or at any other blog? I just don't roll that way. The people who comment on my posts get the joke. They are in on the fun and I love people like that. Even those who say something they know will get a rise out of me do it with the best of intentions. They are never that cruel or malicious.
I hate not being able to return the volley to this stupid person but I don't use someone else's blog to fight my battles. This of course will come to a surprise to anyone who follows TS' blog. I act the fool there all the time but it's with permission and all in good fun.
In this case, all I can do is sit on my hands. Not a position I am comfortable with. I so want to turn my rapier wit at this person's jugular vein.