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Betty Is All Class - Last Night's SNL Review

I haven't laughed at the cold opening of 'Saturday Night Live' for years now. That Debbie with her tiny hands and retard behavior is the best.

And how cool was it to see Betty White get all that applause at her entrance? It may be trendy to say it but she's the best and I always thought so. She often was on 'Match Game' in the 70s and I LOVED that game show. It's my favorite one ever.

Her monologue was very sweet and funny.

ONLY time that McGrubber was ever funny.

I loved that they brought back some of the girls from SNL past. Only Betty could talk about her 'muffin' and get HUGE laughs. "My muffin hasn't had a cherry since 1939." Sure, hearing an old woman say 'lesbian' is pandering to the lowest levels of comedy but I laughed like a ticklish monkey.

I also didn't mind Jay-Z one little bit. Have I been missing out? That rap of his was TIGHT! You can see all the care put into the rhymes and the beat. He actually tried to do something I hadn't heard before with all the interrupted cadence. Again my people, its all about the EFFORT! His first set was LONG but I loved it all. Somebody tell me what the song is called.

SNL, you WOWED me with that first half. Why can't you be this good every week? Now you have NO excuse because I know you can do better. You proved to me that you CAN be relevant and 'appointment television' once again.

Mya Rudolph did the most awesome Whitney Houston imitation I have ever seen. "Bobby Brown!!!"

I love that 'scared straight' sketch every time because those three in the chairs, I think, have no idea what is coming. They can never keep a straight face. Next to the Taylor Swift version this one was tops.

Very sweet to do 'Forever Young' as the last song.

Best SNL in a long long time. Betty is the best.

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