We all know what really killed this commercial - women - women in the fashion and beauty industry who hate normal sized girls. They hate women and would rather see them as skeletal representations of beauty rather than what is reality. Because if they made women feel good about themselves at any size they would lose an entire industry devoted to keeping down a woman's self esteem and reminding her how much she doesn't measure up. Horseshit!
I hate this crap so much that I wanted to smash my TV when I heard about this. Gay men are suppose to love women so why aren't they stepping up to defend this commercial? Because they are part of the problem too. That model in the commercial is gorgeous and I just wish more young girls were given the message that they are fine the way they are.
Not all women are 'Maxim' girls nor should they be expected to be. Sexy is as sexy does and we, as men, have a responsibility to protect our girls and not abuse them. Abuse comes in many forms. This is the most insidious. I wish more 'normal' men understood that and were more vocal in their condemnation of this crap. We are part of the problem too because women sure give us more of a pass on our looks than we ever give them. Think about it and tell the girls in your life that they are beautiful tonight and every night.