Well I have finally caught up to season 6 (episode 5) of Lost and I have a terrible feeling that we are all gonna be screwed in the end with a show that stopped being fun about 2 seasons ago.
Absolutely nothing happened in season five that has any significance except the death of Julia and the evil Locke. Oh and we finally met Jacob who was pretty much useless picking his 'army' to fight the evil of the island.
And what is the hell with the missing crazy Clair and the cast from 'Apocalypse Now'. The producers and writers claim to have a vision but I don't see it. I hate all the garbage about 'what if' would have happened if the plane had not crashed at all.
Once you had yourselves a little story of loss and redemption that you totally messed up when you got too impressed with your writing and thought you could could create the next great TV epic. Now you are giving me "Twin Peaks' and 'X-Files" all mixed in with other crap I won't enjoy anyway. Thanks for the let down "Lost'.