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Brightest Day

If there is one trait I admire above most any other it is PASSION. I don't care what project you are doing - if you put the effort and love into it you can never be embarrassed by the results. And you can spot a project that is made with love from a mile away. This song by Gary Mitchell is an example of that. Will it make it into the Green Lantern movie? Maybe - I have certainly heard worse songs play over a movie's closing credits. Regardless if only a few hear it it is worthy of a space in the jukebox of the Cave of Cool. Thanks to Hero Press for posting this.

"Independent musician and huge comic book fan Gary Mitchell has turned to HeroPress to help him in his campaign to get his song In Brightest Day brought to the attention of the makers of upcoming Green Lantern movie.

Gary, from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, told me: "With hard hitting guitar riffs, rock solid groove and exhilarating energy, In Brightest Day is the perfect GL anthem, exalting themes of courage, perseverance and will power in the midst of impossible challenges, perfect to appeal to fans and non-comic fans alike."

You can help give further strength to his grassroots, online campaign by supporting him on Facebook and/or MySpace and spreading the word by directing to this article."

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