Like biscuits and gravy I soak these awards up. While never official, they are more genuine because they come from your pears who read your stuff and appreciate your post daily. I definitely fill my own niche as a 'crowded junk box' blog stuffed with Selena and kitties. So I post or award to others like creator T.S. who is most creative and develops some bits of mental arithmetic that I love to be a part of. I can also say I knew that 'punk' when.
Mainland Streel is one of those real life blogs and I love the way she has brought us into her life and the planning for her upcoming wedding. For those of us who will die a miserable lonely troll its a respite.
All I Kneed Is Everything - is another personal blog but by a girl I wish I could hang out with in real life because similar things make us laugh and she would out drink me under the table. She is Marion to my Indiana Johns.
I might not hear form them often enough these days but Caffeinated Joe and his super offspring Nicole are like family to me. I miss those early days when they were the comments that kept me going.
Eclectic Banana and his Tumblr are those quick hits of pop cultural juice and boobies that allow me to get up and through my door.
Electronic Cerebralectory gives me both a quick hit though his tumblrs but also makes me think about the event of the day through his well written diatribes. I am literally dying to get to the point in my viewing when I can read his analysis of LOST
Like, Joe and Drakem, SamuraiFrog is one of the people I would most like to have a conversation around a cafe table in Tel Aviv or Paris.
Listophelia may be new to me but she can handle herself with the comedy big boys like a pro and I respect that. And she is so funny that she can list the jokes in order lest we laugh out of order and hurt ourselves.
For some reason I lump Vovatumble with YABAN because they post similar things that give me that mix of though provoking words with the best of tumbler
My Ear Trumpet Isn't Working - my premier source of old time photographs, ads and current steampunk costumes. My favorite images in one place.
Pearl, Why You Little - How can I ignore my future writing partner. She is funny on her own but really brings the funny out in me. Love her style and her adoration of me which she can barely conceal- my Batgirl.
Pat Tillett - best story teller hands down. You may not feel happy at the end of his tales but the man can weave a tale like no one. I can't wait to hear his Vietnam era stories now that he has found his voice - it IS the voice of America.
Adventures in Nerdliness and his Tumblrs - one of the first blog brothers who taught me to tell it like it is and that was the best advice I could get.
Geek Orthodox is another one who fly his pants his way and if you are into action figures he is the one site to visit for both information and a good laugh.
Byzantium Shores - I am new to this blog but he makes me think and appreciate the value of a good overall and an even better recipe.