*Wings asked "What is your favorite, above all else, film?"
I thought about my top five and my criteria for favorite film is based totally on 'rewatchability'. The one that I see most every time its on the satellite is 'Legends of the Fall'. I had such an emotional experience first seeing it one Christmas Eve when I was alone and my family was stranded by weather that I don't think any movie could have taken me on such an ride.
It's just such a cool movie. Cool actors, cool story, and that scene where Tristan (Brad Pitt) rides over the hill leading a team of wild horses when he finally comes home is one that thrills me like nothing should. I am heterosexual but GOD DAMN Bradly.
Favorite Line - Older Brother Albert (Aiden Quinn) to Tristen (Brad Pitt) - "I did everything right. Everything that was expected of me. You broke every rule of God and man and they all still loved you more."
*Megan asks "Why are you no longer teaching?"
I left a position in February when we found out my Father had about a year to live so that I could be with him. I knew alot of people who had lost loved ones to heart attacks and they never got the chance to say goodbye and I wanted to be there for my Dad through everything. I was glad I did. I got to say all I wanted to say to him and amazingly it was a 'good' time despite the situation.
After he died I was understandably pretty depressed and the insurance that I got allowed me to stay at home, look out for my mother, and contribute to my sister's family (she also got insurance money) and give my niece and nephew extra stuff. I still do that today.
I found that starting a blog gave me new purpose and allowed me to fulfill some promises I made to my Dad about writing and creating and I am happy that he gave me the means (once again being there for me at the right time) to just do my stuff.
I miss teaching. I think I may start subbing in the fall just to keep my foot in it and wait for the perfect opportunity to come up. No marking and no planning and no coaching though. I don't miss those things at all.
Jaquandor asks "What's something that makes you totally happy even though the rest of the world seems to hate it? Conversely, what's something that fills you with loathing even though the rest of the world seemingly loves it?"
Well I know that people give me a alot of crap sometimes about my admiration for Ms Selena Gomez. I get accused of being a perv though I never say any pervy things about her or post any porn-related images.
I admire her for her talent and cuteness and for the stuff she does for UNICEF in Africa. I know that she will be an amazing adult and everyone of you will be giving me my props for spotting it right from the beginning.
Men like pretty things and we like pretty and smart things the best. I could see the criticism if my site was ALL Selena but it's not. It's just another cool thing in my life that I enjoy.
*What fills me with loathing? Avatar, 3D movies, The Rebublican Party in the US, Fox News, Celebrity Culture, cellphones and guns.
Guns are another thing we have no use for over the border. I still think we should only have swords to fight with. Then you need some SKILL to kill another person. Or give everyone a gun but make each BULLET cost $5000 dollars. I hate that there are people that turn a blind eye to all the damage that access to guns cause but that may be from reading too many Batman comics.
But I think it must be cellphones I hate the most. I don't have one because, in truth, I have no one to call or to call me. I think they should make emergency cell phones for cars that old people like my mother can have and easily operate. She still can't use the TV remote and the computer mouse is total mystery to her.
They are something that kids don't need to have and we will look back and see the detrimental effect they have had on things like language development. Why learn anything when you can always just 'look it up'.
In schools we spend more time dealing with 'cell phone' issues than we should with NO support from the parents. Too many times they feel their little 'snowflakes' are ENTITLED to be able to call and receive texts whenever they want to. Oh and also sext some pics of themselves to their horndog boyfriends from the girls changing room.
I also don't trust the technology. Radar guns that use the same tech have been giving police officers testicular cancer for years just by resting them in their laps. Imagine holding those phones to your head 24/7? Wouldn't be the first time something was rushed into the marketplace without sufficient testing. But that is me just being paranoid.
The minute I had a gf or even A friend I am sure I would get one. But everything you can do on one now I can do from my computer so as of now I will remain a hypocrite.
*He also asked "Does anyone in Canada ever say, "Hey, what we need is something like the American health care system!"?
NO. We NEVER say that. Actually we hurt FOR you and are thankful that we don't have such a greedy profit motive in our system. We see health care as a RIGHT of citizenship. We would never tolerate anyone messing with it. Sure it's not perfect but I would never trade it for your system. And we have felt that way since the 60s when our journey towards universal coverage began.
I have personally had alot of tests done this year and the cost to me was $0. The fact that I knew that going in was priceless. I have supplemental insurance that costs me 56$ a month with no conditional wavers (that includes dental).
I sometimes wonder why you all in the US don't fight en mass for what you want. Demand it from your government. I know a lot do but too many are too uneducated to understand what is really best for them. Not to mention all the hypnotized 'God and Guns' crowd.