This video reminds me of last summer. I was on my way home from the store and saw these two tween girls running up the sidewalk pulling a cat in a harness much like the one in the video - only they were much rougher with their cat. I immediately stopped my car and got out to give them a full blast but before I could say anything, they stopped me in my tracks. One of them extended this 'realistic' looking cat toy complete with cat harness for me to inspect as the other one called me a 'DOOF'. As I turned to get back into my car they both said in unison - "See ya later DOOF" then skipped away giggling their asses off. I suspect they spent the whole weekend doing this gag over and over again. Stupid me didn't take the cat toy away from them but I was too shocked to be exposed as a 'DOOF', ME, a 'DOOF'?