I am actually loving all this loser/sour grapes stupidity in the US. Expose the haters and the lunatics in one moment, round them up, put them in the Thunderdome and lets have us a good old fashioned turkey shoot.
Keep talking tea baggers. You don't get the fact that your name is a joke nor do you get the sexual reference and what a 'tea bagging' is.
Also you are too stupid not to announce your hatred and evil plans to everyone around you so now when ONE of you crosses THAT line we will be justified in stomping every last one of you into dust.
Being on the winning side is kinda fun you know? I am waiting for homeland security to enter Congress and drag some of those right wing babies out by the scruff of their collars.
Hate speech is not free speech. Ask Anne Coulter about that when she crosses her adam's apple back over the border. Maple Syrup Homie don't PLAY dat!
wv - glesse - gotta be related to glee which is what I am feeling.