Home » » The 'CCC OF C' QUOTE OF THE WEEK - 1


"Maybe next Oprah will give Dr. Doom or Dr. Claw a show. The world needs more supervillainy advice shows!" - Nathan

Sometimes I read a comment so brilliant about something I have posted about that it deserves additional reward and recognition. So thank you brother NATHAN for your comment on my post about the villainous DR OZ.

Now I needs Jeremy to make me an award so winners can properly show off their genius on their own sites. (there are no particular standards or qualifications to winning this award - when it hits me, I will just know)

p.s. I was contacted by the SUNDAY STEALING people who are taking my meme from last Saturday (not even one of the best ones that I first stole) to be their meme of the week. I am very honored so go HERE to play along if you are not already. I join an illustrious group, some of you who are regulars to my little corner of the world.

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