I visited many sites on my blog roll today and for many reasons their latest post have HUGE amounts of comments. They are nice comments too (not that I get many if any negative comments unless you count Vancouver Mark but he is institutionalized so I can forgive him).
I probably post too much so my numbers of visitors are automatically skewed by numerous retrips throughout the day. Maybe I have lost my fiery rebel edge (naw, I never had that). What could it be?
I choose to believe that my visitors are too cool to comment like the other kids in class. They are the ones sitting in back of the class opening and closing their switchblade combs. They don't need no stinkin' 'rithmatic or any of my fancy booklearnin'. They are rebels baby. They keep their comments to themselves lest they get a hasslin' from da man. Yeh, that's what it is. Cool.