The Pacific (HBO)
With such talent as Steven Speilberg and Tom Hanks acting as executive producers you know you can expect alot from this 10 hour mini-series on the war in the Pacific.
Like with their popular 'Band of Brothers' series, we see the war that was fought on malaria ridden jungle islands through the eyes of several young soldiers who learn early on how difficult their job will actually end up being. It was nothing like they were told about in boot camp.

My father was an artillery man for 36 years who happened to have the great fortune to serve during the 'Cold War'. He saw more action as a peacekeeper in Cyprus.
I have great admiration for anyone who fights for their country even if the war is right or not. Once on the ground it is no longer about the politics that brought them there - it simply becomes an issue of staying alive and keeping your buddies alive beside you. Isn't that what every war boils down too?

Half starved, these brave soldiers defended valuable posts from the nightly bombings and the superior numbers that the Japanese troops had over them.
I would so like to talk to someone who did survive those days to hear what wisdom he brought back from the experience.
If you are a war vet that would like to be interviewed for the Cave Of Cool, please contact me in the comment section or by email. I already know some followers who faced those challenges so I hope they will response positively to my request. My unlimited love and respect to you all.