To say that 'Cop Out' contains every cop-buddy movie cliche in the book is an insult to cliche's. Let's run through the list shall we.
1. two bickering partners who have a special 'husband/wife' connection
2. superiors who don't understand 'their' way of policing
3. one cop's daughter getting married (sweet Michelle Trachtenberg)
4. asshole stepfather married to same cop's ex-wife (who can pay for the wedding)
5. snappy patter
6. cliche drug dealers ("Bless me father for I am ABOUT to sin.")
7. bruce willis
That all being said this is not the typical cop/buddy drama. No wait. It is. Bruce Willis is his old reliable self and once you get used to his mumbly voice, Tracy Morgan is Eddie Murphy in '48 hrs' and 'Beverly Hills Cop'. If you like Tracy's comedy stylings you will like this one. If you hate him, you will want to do murder right in the theatre.

What does stand out however are the co-stars and the script which has some fresh twists in like the pursuit of a valuable baseball card and a woman who will not allow HER house to be robbed. Sean William Scott is especially funny as the most amiable criminal in the world.

Now I know it only got 19% at Rotten Tomatoes and I have let down many of you with my movie reviews lately but fuck it. I liked it. It made me laugh. You don't have have to take my word for anything ever again because if you do then a bad film experience is really your fault isn't it? That was harsh. I didn't mean that. Or did I? I can't tell anymore.