Maggie - "I know that isn't true because if he TRIED to kill you, you would already be dead."
If the purpose of a season finale is to make you SO PISSED that you have to wait another second of your life for the NEXT season to start then the finale of this season of my beloved 'Burn Notice' succeeded FANTASTICALLY. I love the villainy of 'Simon' who is a great 'go to' actor for television bad guys (just see Terminator the Sarah Connor Chronicles or the much missed 'Life' for proof....I forget his name)
and the final scene filled me with such love for the creators of this programs that I am not embarrassed to say I would kiss them full on the mouth with tongue. I'm not saying that the wait for season four will not hurt - it will sting like a son of a bitch - but I will be there in my footie pjs with my woobie and juicebox when it starts.
Oh and a quick "FU" to NBC for their criminally unfunny SNL skit about a game show where the contestants know nothing about 'Burn Notice'. No one laughed in the audience and that says all I need to say about most of your comedy lineup. You only WISH you had a show like 'Burn Notice' on your schedule.