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The Ricky Gervais Show

I like the comedic stylings of Ricky Gervais very much. It's the crazy British humor and his laugh which is huge. For awhile now he has been doing an Internet podcast with Stephen Merchant and an actual living caveman named Karl Pilkington.

Ricky and Stephen bring up topics and Karl responds in his unique style. Karl is an idiot but just might be an idiot 'savant'. The other two riff on Karl who doesn't seem the least bit aware that he is being made fun of. I would object if I wasn't laughing along with them. Karl just might be in on the big joke but I don't care. It's a good bit that like the Mel Brookes/Carl Reiner sketch, 'The 1000 Year Old Man'. is always a funny piece of improv.

HBO has animated their discussions and added funny little cartoons (I suspect just in case Americans can't get the jokes). I prefer it when it's just the three of them sitting around and talking.

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