Anyone who knows me knows that I have chosen to put my lot behind the Universe of DUNE if I have to choose ONE of our glorious fictional geek creations to support.
I AM Paul Atreides, stickin' it to those fricken' Harkonnens and their disgusting Baron, The Emperor, The Guild and those bitches in the Bene Gesserit Order for what they did to my family and especially the way they backstabbed my Dad - the good and noble Duke Leto The Just. Paul made the universe shake for that little bit of conspiracy didn't he?

Not that his mother and his father's friends didn't have a hand in training him so that when his moment came, he could seize it. (Except for Dr. Yueh of course - "A million death's aren't enough for Yueh!") It's the perfect storm of politics and revolution all leading to a change in the status quo - change that moved humanity forward.

Sure as with most revolutions, its ideals got perverted over time and had to be reigned in again after the Golden Age of the God Emperor Leto II but that is what makes the story so great and timeless for me.

I suppose I could look at the members of Al Qaeda as modern day Fremen if I didn't know that NO Fremen would ever try to light his underwear on fire to take out his enemies. Hell, Fremen go 'commando' anyways.

I found this website today that contains Dune related artwork by many artists that I of course will share over time. Please validate my love with any comments you might choose to make.