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Cal's 'Lost' Marathon Analysis - Part 3

First of I really liked the first season. Everything from the flashbacks to the actions of the characters and their motivations rang true. But I have some points. I am sure many of you will have responses to this and since you are ahead of me please don't spoil it for me if you can avoid it. Tease me yes, tease me like you owe me money but don't spoil.

I am getting tired of this 'lets go into the jungle to find someone and we always do find them theme. It's DONE.

I am sure there is a reason so many people were saved but you could easily have done what you needed to do with half that number or survivors.

Steal the kid? Blow up the boat? WTF?

Still on my theme of redemption and that they are all not really alive in the first place. Those who can't teach lessons are removed from the board like poor Arnz. When he went into the jungle they could have very well just put a red shirt on him because we all KNEW he was gone before the end of that episode. Again, that is lazy writing to introduce someone just to kill ten minutes later. I don't care. You could have accomplished the same thing by having Locke know a little something about dynamite and toss the bad stick away. But it was nice to see the bits rain down.

Jack, when I like Sawyer more than you, you gotta lighten up. Tricking people because you have a death wish and NO ONE is better or knows more than the GREAT Dr. Jack is not endearing you to me and you NEED my love for me to enjoy this ride.

Locke and several are one level up. They are 'agents of change' used by 'the island/god' to test others and move them forward. Look at Boone who like every good angel, is sacrifice for the good of message/point the god/island is making.

To continue that last point. Why are only a FEW getting the benefits/redemption of the island? Why can't EVERYONE be worthy. If they are not then why they are there? Cannon fodder? I hope not.

Clues to prove my argument that they are not really alive and that everything is connected in ways it would never be in the 'real world'.

*Hurley on the TV in Japan where Jin visits the politician in his flashback
*Missing dog poster doesn't have Vincent on it by accident.

p.s. - do you think anyone used the 'numbers' to actually try to win a lottery in real life? Have any of them actually won?

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