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Absolute Justice

I have to admit that I give 'Smallville' alot of grief. My love and hate for this series can be pretty intense at times. While I often admire the effort I get frustrated by all the ennui from what can be a pretty joyless show at times.

I had more fears than hopes for 'Absolute Justice' the special two hour 'Smallville' movie that promised to give us more heroes than the series had delivered in 9 or so years of its existence. An entire old school JSA with the classic versions of Green Lantern, Flash, Dr Fate, Starman/Stargirl, Wildcat, Hawkman, and the Classic Sandman. Even their villains like 'The Icicle' were to be included in the story. I especially liked seeing 'Checkmate' and Pam Grier as Amanda Waller.

Judging by the huge smile I had on my face for the entire movie I gotta say I really like it. Its always tough to bring superheroes to the small or large screen. They don't always translate well from the colored pages. We all remember the ultra crappy 'Justice League' movie from the 80s as a low point in televised heroics. I found the characterizations here to be spot on for the most part and alot of thought was put into the costumes and continuity; something 'Smallville' often played fast and lose with. This film was made for fanboys by fanboys.

The story moves fast and I could watch 6 of these movies a year in place of a whole season of what I have watched over the past decade. THIS is what 'Smallville' should have been all along. If the show is going out I am pleased to see it go out on a high note.

I actually uttered the word "WOW" several times, especially when mentally damaged Kent Nelson took the 'Helmet of Fate' out of his bowling bag and transformed into Dr. Fate. Voice and costume done to perfection. There is also a terrific scene where Clarke takes the sheets off of long mothballed glass cases displaying relics from the JSA's past. The whole scene is done with stirring heroic music that choke me up I gotta admit. I so totally want a poster of the painting these use to show the old team in their prime.

I never apologize for being the fanboy that I am and this film felt like a superhero Snuggie to me. XXXL sized for added warmth and comfort. It's times like these I feel very sorry for those who just don't 'get' the whole superhero 'thing' or have left it behind. Watch this film and watch yourself get transported to a place in your kid brain that still loves this kind of stuff.

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