Personally I have been in Iqaluit N.W.T. when with the wind the temperature hovered around -70 degrees C. That night I was hungry for cottage cheese to have with my salad and I put on my Canadian military snowsuit (which was practically a space suit) and made my way into the cold cold cold cold night. Of course the employees were setting up to stay the night since anything that ventured out there was supposed to die - fortunately you all know that there are few things that can kill Big Daddy so I was secure. They didn't even charge me for my groceries. I figure it was some kind of Eskimo rule. I also earned a nickname - 'Crazy Cudlinak' (which roughly translated to 'Stupid Red-Bearded Devil') So to me, stories of very cold temperatures are of great interest. Like this one:
"The temperature at Russia’s Vostok research station in Antarctica read -128.6F (-89.2 C) during the winter of 1983. This is the coldest temperature ever recorded on earth. The winter temperature at Vostok averages a mere -54F. Why the mercury dipped so low has puzzled scientists for 26 years."