I told all you bitches that something was up this week. Those tremors I felt in the ether were actually in the ground but unlike the noble poodle I don't have the ability to fine tune my quake detecting abilities. Maybe I was predicting how douchebags like Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson would use this tragedy to make a connection to the failures of Obama or the vengeance of the 'Lord'. You got to love a 'God' that takes a few centuries to punish a devil worshipping slave revolt by the 'darks' against the good god-fearing white slave owners which was exactly what Balloon Juice Robertson was implying. Like Homer always said, "Where is a gun toting lowlife when you need one?"
We have a responsibility to help the people of Haiti because all the countries in the Western Hemisphere have some blame to shoulder for their poverty. When a pig like Limbaugh bitches because Obama wants to lend humanitarian assistance to these poor people, and accuses Obama of doing this only to enhance his 'street cred', he has finally given up his membership to the human race. Fuck you Rush and fuck you Pat. How you both live with yourselves I will never understand.
On another note, THIS is the exact kind of crisis that the more developed countries of the world should be using their military for. Front line search and rescue, building shelters, purifying water and distributing food. They have the training and resources to do this in an efficient and orderly way. This is a more productive way to build good will while not sacrificing blood and treasure.