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Pointless Minutia

I am almost done watching Season One of '24' and Kim Bauer (Elisha Cuthbert) has been kidnapped AGAIN! How many times is that now? 3 or 4 times in one day. Like I said before she gets snatched more often than Robin. It's so deliciously insane. Also, that final gun battle at the dock, when Jack thinks that Kim is dead and he goes all two gun rage on those Serbian bastards was EPIC!

Am I the only one who has a nickname for my cat beyond his already complicated regal name? Like my cat's full name is Admiral Fluffy P. Scootchie-Baloo of the Manhattan Scootchie-Baloos. I mostly just call him 'Baloo' when its just the two of us. He insists, however, that I use his full rank when referring to him in front of the submarine crew. Really can't blame him for that. It's a respect thing.

How great is Doctor Doom? Since the 1960s he has never changed his character one little bit. Still a dickhead, full of attitude and bluster. I have never even seen him crack a joke or at least find something like Dazzler, wiping out while wearing her stupid roller skates, funny. Many have tried to nuance his character but like Uncle Ben staying dead, Doom is a concept that Marvel just doesn't mess with. Magneto should be so lucky. If you ever want to read a very cool graphic novel that looks at how the world would be IF a Doom-like villain actually did take over the world - check out EMPIRE by Mark Waid

Loved the Rose Bowl Parade. They showed a commercial several time for Dick Van Patten's dog food that now comes in a gourmet sausage role (4 pounds worth). Its a REAL product. He does have a dog food company and I suspect now a whole line of pet lingerie. SIGH. It's like Steven Segal going into the fish bait business.

While you are protecting yourself from the menace of the octopus remember that your whole family is also in potential danger, especially your pets. Thanks to one of my favorite tumblrs - Eclectic Banana for the head-up reminder.

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