Thanks to Samurai Frog for this meme. I like these ones where you actually get to know something about a person. Their blogs and tumblrs are their signature but these questions are like icing on the cake.
1. Name someone with the same birthday as you.
Andy Griffith and Marilyn Monroe (June 1st)
2. Where was your first kiss?
Tara Crandall's living room while watching the federal election returns. I was 14 and her lip gloss smelled and tasted like bubble gum. - cherry bubble gum.
3. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? If yes, why?
There was a girl in our neighborhood who would get her older brothers to come over to our side of the crescent and steal our bikes. One day we took the lids off the garbage cans, filled out pockets with bolts, got on our bikes and make an invasion of their stronghold. She laid down in the street to prevent us from advancing and I ran right over her. I also pushed her off the monkey bars when she grabbed some younger kid's hair once. I always wonder what happen to her. I suspect she drives the Zamboni at the local hockey games.
4. Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people? When?
Karaoke at the pub and church choir during the holidays when I was young. Big Daddy gots a beautiful voice. Charms the monkeys right out of the trees.
5. What is the first thing you notice about the other sex?
Hair and smile (especially a little overbite). If they have a laugh that sounds like music then I am lost. I like the bum/thigh combination too.
6. What really turns you off?
People who think they are better than everyone else and who put others down especially in a bar/pub setting. They are the ones I usually will tease without mercy. I warn them to stop their teasing first but if they continue to be rude then I can't help myself with the sarcasm. Fight fire with hotter, more comical fire. And yes, I can take it as much as I can dish it out.
7. What is your biggest mistake?
Thinking I knew everything when I was younger. I was afraid I would only have myself to rely on so I didn't appreciate those who had my back all along. I would rather do things myself and fail at them then take advice that would have made some of those times much easier to live through. I am alot less like that now.
8. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?
Only by overestimating my abilities until it was too late. Then I had to figure out some way to quickly minimize the damage that was soon to befall me. Stop, drop, and roll can do alot to reduce scrapes and bruising.
9. Say something totally random about yourself.
I dream in color.
10. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Is Shrek a celebrity?
11. Do you still watch kiddie movies or TV shows?
All the time. I am most proud that I haven't lost my love for those things. Just finished watching 'Batman - The Brave and the Bold' for this week. It had Detective Chimp in it. How cool is that? Plus 'Princess Protection Program' with Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez which I will enjoy tonight for the first time.
12. Are you comfortable with your height?
Yes, not too short or too tall.
13. What is the most romantic thing someone of the preferred sex has done for you?
Made me a mixed tape with songs that were like a conversation about all the things she liked about me. Then gave me the tape to listen to while I searched for her family's cabin. So by the time I got there I was quite smitten and was her love bitch.
14. When do you know it's love?
She calls me when I don't expect her too. Or she brags about me to her best friends.
15. What's something that really annoys you?
The moments between when I first lay my head down to sleep and the time I fall asleep. I hate that 'dead' time. I avoid it by staying up as long as I physically can so that I fall asleep fast. If I am in that zone too long I will get up. I hate that time so much. That's when the mummies getcha.