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Just So Stupid

The year is less than a day old and I am already finding things to bitch about. First and foremost are any pictures like this that show pets wearing glasses, not just those big over sized novelty glasses but New Years specific glasses. Where are their party hats and empty bottles of booze to pose with? It's it just all so stupid. I don't know why this pet owner quirk bothers me so much.

Do I care about the dignity of the pets? Not really because attributing human emotions or trappings or characteristics to them really takes away from what makes them special. They are not furry humans. (Those Wolf Boys in the Mexican circus - now THEY are furry humans.) What makes our pets special is that we have a connection to the wild through them. We have a relationship with another creature, a totally different species that shares this planet with us. And usually that pet is unlike the people in our lives. They are always there for us. I have never heard of a dog or a cat screwing someone over. First of all dogs are too dumb to make the attempt and cats just don't give a shit. They know we can mess up things without their help quite nicely.

Even though they would rip your face off, people would be lining up to purchase their own dinosaur if cloning scientists had their way. There are people working on cloning little shoebox sized velociraptor like dinosaurs even as I write this. Don't you think that when they are successful (and they WILL be - anything that can mess us up always gets created - nuclear bombs, cigarettes, biological weapons, Carrot Top) that everyone will want one? Hopefully Paris Hilton is the first because she wouldn't live a week trapped in the house with those little bastards. Even less so when she starts dressing it up in pirate costume.

So please, people, respect your pet. They don't put crap on you and take pictures while you are sleeping or passed out drunk, do they?

Am I being a hypocrite because I like 'LOL Cats'? No. The message on each one of those accurately expresses what the animal is thinking at the time. How else could humans create those, combining a captured moment with the most accurate caption? You think that stuff is just made up? If you do then you are a very cynical person. Beside have you noticed that the words are usually not spelled correctly. That is because most of your cats have not had formal schooling of any kind. They just pick things up as they go. Why would humans just make those captions up and NOT use spellchecker? Don't you know nutin'?

So in review 'LOL Cats' = good, Wiener Dog in a bun costume = bad.

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