If I have said it once I have said it a million times..."If you are gonna make a zombie movie why not make a Nazi zombie movie and set the whole thing near an isolated mountain cabin." It's a no fail concept. Oh and you have to have those fast zombies because waiting to kill those slow ones as they trudge after you in the deep snow is just annoying. Who has got the time to wait for that?
This Norwegian import puts an group of young people in an isolated cabin where they can play twister and banter in badly translated Norwegian. I am sure dialog this bad is put in these types of movies so that I WISH for their deaths long before the actual carnage begins.

Soon these young people are joined by an old man who tells them stories and generally makes pervy eyes at all the pretty girls. However, he does warn them about the Nazi zombies and the 'events' that occured there during the 'war'. Of course the kids just role their eyes and pat chatty grandpa on the head before sending him on his way. Lesson number one - listen to your elders you punk kids lest you be threatened by frickin' Nazi zombies. (It happens more often than you would think)
If I have one complaint about this movie is that it takes FOREVER to get going. However, when it does you get what you paid for - full out zombie vs non-zombie action. The deaths are creative and the terror doesn't let up for a second. It is everything you want from a zombie picture. You know a zombie picture is good when one of the characters has to stitch up his own squirting neck wound while pulling a Nazi zombie that has grabbed onto the back of his snowmobile. That, my friends, is GOOD writing. I think you would also agree that the sight of someone charge headlong into a herd of Nazi zombies with a chainsaw is the reason movies were invented in the first place. That bit NEVER gets old for me. It's as iconic an image as a car chase meeting a fruit cart.

Can someone tell me what the Nazi obsession with gold is all about? It's almost Spanish the way they chase after it. They did have nice uniforms so it might just be the 'shiny button' phenomenon.