Holy Crap - the 2 part 'Clone Wars' episode (Grievous Intrigue) is fantastic entertainment. Say what you want about the 'Clone Wars' movie that preceded this series but it seemed we had to 'eat our vegetables before we got any dessert'. This stuff is like having cheesecake and ice cream and apple pie for dessert.
I love the stories in this series that focus on the lives of the clone troopers who, while being programed to only fight and to be cannon fodder, have started to ask questions about what it means to be an individual, not just one identical part of a larger machine. The creators have put humanity into a group of iconic 'Star Wars' characters that Papa Lucas never even concidered.
Very nice stuff that makes this series fantastic for adults as well as children. Great action, great visuals, great story. 'nuff said. If you have been avoiding this series because of the bad taste the 'Clone Wars' animated movie left in your mouth then you need to reconsider. Funnest thing I have seen all week.