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Red Cliff 2

I was lucky to watch the entire Chinese epic the way that Director John Woo intended and I have to confess it does not disappoint. It was the most expensive and highest grossing Chinese movie to date and portrays a critical time in Chinese history.

These characters came across as living and breathing and are as historically important to the Chinese as many such as George Washington or Abraham Lincoln or Adolf Hitler are to Western history. I now find myself wanting to know more about these real figures. Even the women, who often are lost in the telling of the story, have strong roles to play here.

As good as part one was (which I talked about a few days ago), I found the second half to be even stronger. The way in which the weaker side acquire valuable weapons is both comical and ingenious and the relationships between the main characters really gel, especially between a princess spy and her dimwitted friend in the enemy camp.

It bear repeating that the final battle (first on the water then on the land) is one of the greatest I have ever seen on film. The Chinese military lent 100,000 soldiers to bolster the production and they are used to full effect. The tactics used to both attack and defend were cutting edge at that time in history and it made me wonder how such a battle between these soldiers and say Medieval Knights would have gone. Regardless,I was riveted and you will be too. If I get one person to put aside their reluctance to watch a subtitled movie from China I will have rewarded them with a gem that deserves to be seen.

Check out only 4 minutes of this movie. It is better made and more entertaining than the last ten hollywood 'blockbusters' put together. But don't take my word for it. You just go and enjoy that terrific Travolta/Williams 'classic' they got playing right now. I am sure after the fifth 'nut shot' that you will have filled your belly with laughs and your heart with joy. BLEH!

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