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» The Christians And The Pagans
The Christians And The Pagans
There is an elusive feeling out there that I search for at this time of year. Call it the Spirit of Christmas or whatever you want It is embodied in a moment or a song or act by another and reminds me that for all the crap that religion and commercialization brings to the world at this time of year, the MESSAGE of PEACE and GOOD WILL does have an overwhelming POTENTIAL to do something transformative - to show me the miraculous in everyday life. Maybe ten times in my life I have been hit with it. I never see it coming but I know it when i feel it. Today I was surfing around my beloved blog list and found this song by Dar Williams on 'a rose is a rose''s site. As I listened to the words and the message I was hit by how I can do my part in changing the world this 'season' (which I no longer celebrate since the death of my father) by doing my best to recognize the little ways that others try to make this time meaningful for those around them. They don't usually know they did anything so maybe I could try to let them know what exactly it was that made the shared moment special for me. Like I am doing now. Thank you my friend for the message of that song. I have alot of anger at religion these days and you eased some of the hurt in my heart.