Check out this story I found today. It just cracked me up.
I totally get that in such a large organization as the Pentagon that there would be some crazy wingnut who sees enemies around every corner. But to look north for enemies is really kinda goofy. We Canadians are the least likely people in the whole world to threaten anyone. We are afraid of our immigrants and native populations for Christ sake. We bend and fold at the slightest offence and would rather die than have anyone mad at us. Think of it this way. If your house was being robbed, Canada would be the dog who would let the robber in, take his wet shoes, show were all the valuables where, help the robber put them into the pillow case and then make him a sandwich and a cup of coffee for the road before putting his now dry and shined shoes back on his feet and giving him a good pair of gloves and a new scarf so he don't catch a chill. Even our cats would let a criminal in. They just wouldn't give him all that extra special treatment. Dogs are real suck-ups.
I also love how the our 'Poppy Quarters' got somehow connected to spying nanotechnology. (FYI - The poppy is a powerful symbol of our wartime dead because of the WWI poem 'In Flander's Field' which every kid knows and recites every November 11 - "In Flander's Field, the poppies grow, among the crosses, row on row' We wear poppy pins starting November 1st until Remembrance Day - when my father died his military friends took the poppies off their hats and placed them into the grave with him)
We have no NEED to spy on anyone especially the Americans. You can't keep a secret to save your lives. Everyone has a camera phone these days and if there is some dirt to find on ANYONE, you will find it or someone will sell it to some tabloid to advance their own bank account. That is how I know Michael Jackson is really dead and UFOs are not true. If they were then someone would be trying to make a buck off that information somewhere in your country.
Now I love my American brothers and sisters and you have every reason to see threats to your freedom and liberty because they do exist but please give your head a shake. That Slurpee you just drank from is giving you brain freeze if you think we are a threat. And trust me...we know the effects of cold on the brain.