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Zoey Is Yummy


I am a third of the way through '500 Days of Summer' (my review is coming up this weekend) and I have only one question to ask - Where has the adorable Zoey Dechanel been all my life? I know her sister plays on 'Bones' but this is the first time I really have seen Zoey do her stuff. The way her eyes just pierce my heart is totally wonderful. Sure, I fall in love most everyday, but I am seriously smitten with her. I am waiting for her to push co-star Gordon Levitt off the balcony and crawl right through the TV screen to be with me. Do you think that will happen? I got this image off a great new tumblr I found - VoVatumblr. Check it out. Sometimes, things that I post are reblogged here and I am honored that I share similar sensibilities with the person behind this interesting tumblr. I predict I will be reblogging from this site alot.
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