As much as I am tired of world records involving people growing fingernails or standing for a week I am most tired of 'world's largest' pieces of food. ENOUGH. The rest of the world already hates our fat asses for our decadence. Do we really need a meatball the size of a dump truck? Does ANYONE remember the name of the person who created these monstrosities. Its not your road to fame and fortune. You have to be extra special creepy or stupid to get that these days. A king size burrito just don't do it anymore.
John Gosslin - don't you love how this piece of road kill thinks he can make everything better by his public apology and a meeting with some idiot celebrity Rabbi? (looking right at you Schmoolie) I think after you empty your family's bank account and embarrass everyone by your childish antics you don't get to come back. Sure Kate was a fame seeking bitch too but I never thought I could actually hate you more than her. I actually felt sorry for your henpecked ass at one time. You are now the poster child for douchebaggery. You wanted fame, you got it.
Judgement Cub judges YOU!

H1N1 - any right wing douche in either Canada or the US who blames the President or PM for there not being enough doses of vaccine available for everyone scared into taking it annoys me. They can only create a vaccine once they understand which special strain they are dealing with. There are also only so many chicken eggs around at any one time to incubate the vaccines. Stupid people who don't understand basic science make me crazy.
They could, however, do better for all the people waiting hours to get the needle. Most are elderly or handicapped or children so have juice or cookies or coffee available. Some folding chairs in the cold outdoor lines would also be nice. You have the resources, now do some planning. Its little things like this that piss people off about the government. These are the things we care about.
Hussain Bolt adopts a cheetah. Its a cool idea (since he is the world's fastest man) but he doesn't have the time to properly rear a cheetah. We don't need these beautiful creatures becoming the new chic pet of the rich and famous. Like rappers having tigers in their apartment buildings. Some things were made to run free and ONLY run free. Tell you what Mr Bolt. Why not donate money to a sanctuary like Tiger Island that looks after these magnificent creatures. You can visit 'your' cheetah anytime you want and get all the pictures you want with it. Talk conservation to the kids and use your fame to do some good. I like you, you are a terrific person with a great story. Don't let it all go to your head please.(UPDATE - seems like Bolt listened to me - good things do happen when you bitch about them)
"NAIROBI, Kenya (AP)—The world’s fastest man adopted the animal kingdom’s fastest sprinter Monday, as Usain Bolt welcomed a new baby cheetah named Lightning Bolt into his life.
The Jamaican sprinter’s sponsorship of the 3-month-old male cheetah is part of an effort to boost Kenyan conservation efforts of its famous wildlife, whose survival is threatened by trophy hunting, climate change and human encroachment.
The world record-holder in the 100 and 200 meters paid $13,700 to formally adopt the cub. He will also pay $3,000 a year to care for Lighting Bolt, who will be raised at an animal orphanage in Nairobi."