Ben over at 'Dragon Dancing With The Budha' always posts things that make me think and tonight I had to re-post my own comment I made over his latest entry. I am not someone who is 'ga ga' over Kim Kardashian but I do think she is a beautiful woman. Her exotic nature is only part of her appeal. She is a 'real' woman with big ass butt and curves that I appreciate. I think most men, if they were honest, prefer a woman with a hour class figure (like Christina Hendricks) rather than a coatrack figure (like most of Hollywood and the fashion industry).

Apparently the people at FHM felt the need to do some photoshopping on Kim to make her more acceptable to their readers. That makes me sick. Her body is fine the way it is. Its more than fine the way it is.

I wish instead of drinking the celebrity Kool-Aid,that Kim would come out about how proud she is of her body and the great curves that her genetics gave her. By photoshopping them out you continue the beauty myth that is harming so many of our girls. If we really loved them like we claim to we would celebrate them more and compare them less.