This episode was much less Russel-centric since for once Foa Foa actually won a challenge, the immunity one. There was therefor no reason for Russel to plot and scheme to remove any challengers. With Jaison becoming a gloomy gus, Russel may be rethinking his decision to remove Ben. Sure Ben was a dick as a person, he was a hard worker and didn't bitch about being wet or cold.
Thank the GODS that Jazmin was given the boot. Her sense of entitlement and undeserved confidence was annoying to the point of hate for me. Anyone who is so self deluded that she lies about her work around camp when challenged is just dead weight, regardless of her 'performance' in challenges. I saw nothing 'special' in her contribution.
Is it me or is everyone on this cycle an unpleasant person. I don't really like anyone and I found myself rooting for another tsunami to come to their camp while I was watching tonight. This, however, may lie totally in the decision the producers have made to focus attention on only a few contestants while ignoring and lumping together most others.
I like the theory that Wandering Coyote has made that neither Russel or Ben have the CORRECT personal immunity idols. I agree with her that each idol was planted at the OTHER tribe's camp to be found by the person send over to 'observe'. I hope this is true because it will make for some interesting TV when either of the idol holders attempt to use them.